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Surgeon Ani

Dr. Ani Meloyan

Plastic Surgeon, MD
4.8 54 reviews
clinic location Kyiv, Ukraine
11 years of experience
250 surgeries per year

About the plastic surgeon

Ani Meloyan is a plastic surgeon, MD with 11 years of experience.

Ani completed multiple professional training courses at the leading clinics in Ukraine and other countries, with a focus on aesthetic blepharoplasty, face contouring, breast surgery, intimate rejuvenation and more.

Ani participated at multiple international conferences, including the International Congress of Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatocosmetology. She is a member of the Ukrainian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and a member of the Armenian Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgeons.

Available surgeries

Blepharoplasty of upper eyelids
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $960
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1100
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1370
Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck)
duration of package 3 hours - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $2850
Liposuction of belly fat
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $2130
Arm lift (Brachioplasty)
duration of package 2 hours - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $2680
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1140
Breast augmentation
duration of package 45 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $4130
Breast reduction
duration of package 2 hours 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $3160
Breast lift
duration of package 2 hours 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $2680
Areola/nipple correction
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $720
Areola/nipple correction
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $720
Gynecomastia surgery
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $940
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1090
Hymenoplasty three-layer
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $1560
Complex vaginal rejuvenation
duration of package 3 hours 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ADONIS Medical Group
Services included arrow-down $3740

Before and after

Breast augmentation before and after photos
Breast augmentation
Mammoplasty before and after photos
Mammoplasty before and after photos

Language of consultation

English , Ukrainian , Russian , Armenian

Work experience

Since 2020 Plastic Surgeon, ADONIS Medical Center, Kyiv
Since 2018 Plastic Surgeon, Medical center City Doctor, Kyiv
Since 2018 Trainer of company Innova Aesthetic
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2004 - 2010 Kharkiv National Medical University, Physician Doctor of Medicine
2010 - 2014 Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia, Medical Specialist, majored in Plastic Surgery
2014 Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Plastic Reconstructive Surgery
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Seminars and training

2017 The fifth surgery course Advanced aesthetic blepharoplasty, midface and face contouring
2017 S Clinic Aesthetic Plastic Surgery course at the Polytech Health & Aesthetics
2016 Certified by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide the following CME (Continuing Medical Education) activity for medical specialists
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USAPS Ukrainian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (USAPS)
AAPRAS Armenian Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (AAPRAS)

Customer rating and reviews

4.8 54 reviews
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To calculate the overall star rating we use simple average for gathered information from independent sources including Google, Facebook and TrustSurgeons.
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Please send your rating and review to reviews@trustsurgeons.com using the email address you used for booking an online consultation on TrustSurgeons. If the email matches our customer records, we will publish your review.
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November 2020
After the operation, more than a year, and the tip of the nose is not symmetrical, but the profile of a better place than it was
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September 2020
Tips from Dr. Ani Meloyan soul. Thanks to you, Doc, I have a thin waist and beautiful. I spent hours and days of suffering in the gym without seeing any results. Only after much anguish decided to take more drastic measures! I'm glad that got into your hands of gold.
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September 2020
Grateful wholeheartedly dear Neither Robertivni Meloyan for the excellent shape of the nose, just so I wanted! And most importantly - did not change much the features of my face, which is very important because it is this and afraid. Yet even pilsya plastic, want to maintain their own indyvilualnist
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