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Surgeon Andriy

Dr. Andriy Myronov

Plastic surgeon, Liposuction Leading Surgeon, MD
4.8 4 reviews
clinic location Kyiv, Ukraine
10 years of experience
250 surgeries per year

About the plastic surgeon

Andriy Myronov is a leading ultrasonic liposuction surgeon. He has 10 years of practical experience and has performed more than 2500 surgeries. Graduated from Donetsk National Medical University.

Available surgeries

Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $1540
Lower eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $1540
Ear surgery (otoplasty)
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $1270
Face lipofilling
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $2820
Buccal fat removal
duration of package 40 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $980
Breast augmentation with implants
duration of package 45 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $5980
Breast augmentation with fat transfer
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $4120
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $3550
Arm liposaction
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $2380
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $1360
Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)
duration of package 3 hours - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $3970
Abdominal liposuction
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $3480
Mini-tummy tuck (mini-abdominoplasty)
duration of package 2 hours - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $3330
Buttock augmentation with fat transfer
duration of package 3 hours - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $5330
Thighs liposuction (inner)
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $2700
Thighs liposuction (outer)
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $2700
Calf liposuction
duration of package 1 hour 30 minutes - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $1600
Knee liposuction
duration of package 1 hour - Kyiv, Ukraine
clinic-viewmore ANACOSMA Сlinic
Services included arrow-down $1600

Before and after

Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) before and after photos
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) before and after photos
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) before and after photos
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) before and after photos
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) before and after photos
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty) before and after photos
Upper eyelid correction (blepharoplasty)

Language of consultation

English , Ukrainian , Russian

Customer rating and reviews

4.8 4 reviews
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To calculate the overall star rating we use simple average for gathered information from independent sources including Google, Facebook and TrustSurgeons.
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Please send your rating and review to reviews@trustsurgeons.com using the email address you used for booking an online consultation on TrustSurgeons. If the email matches our customer records, we will publish your review.
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Marina Davydenko
September 2020 google review
Beautiful clinic nice surgeon, was Andrei Mironov. I liked that after the operation did not have to pay for dressings, all-inclusive. They are given a list of everything provides the clinic at no additional cost, no need to worry that something had forgotten. The surgeon told her about the risks seemed honest and professional. Ask for a tour of the clinic, person from reception agreed, and provided with the tour
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March 2020
Excellent technician! Helped me resolve some of my problems. The operation was successful, it was very nicely done. In no hint scars. Wonderful specialist with fundamental knowledge in their field! Thanks!
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September 2019
Saw Mironov AB and I realized that this is my doctor! A professional with a capital letter! I hit him on the recommendation of a friend and very happy about it. I dissuaded from two operations! Osanovilis interpretation on liposuction. Very pleased that there are doctors in the Ukraine, who do not pursue for profit!
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